penjualan amal bahasa Inggris
- penjualan: disposal; distribution; sale; sales; seller;
- amal: charitable; nonprofitmaking; charity; good works;
- amal: charitable; nonprofitmaking; charity; good works; social welfare; deed; benefit; public assistance; work; welfare; good deed; beneficence; brotherly love; philanthropy
- penjualan: disposal; distribution; sale; sales; seller; disposition; selling; sell; cut-rate sale; sales event; sales agreement
- amal kebajikan: charity
- amal nasereldeen: amal nasser el-din
- badan amal: beneficence of institution; charity of institution; charity
- kencan amal: charity dating
- konser amal: benefit concert
- organisasi amal: charitable organization
- pasar amal: bazaar
- pertunjukan amal: charity performance
- secara amal: charitably
- singel amal: charity singles; charity record
- toko amal: charity shop
- Greetech Will Hold A Charity Sale On December 17th
Greetech Akan Tahan Penjualan Amal Pada tanggal 17 Desember